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All References with Titles containing 'lsd alcoholism' OR with Authors including 'lsd alcoholism' OR with Abstract including 'lsd alcoholism' OR with Keywords including 'lsd alcoholism'

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Eisner BG, Cohen S Psychotherapy with lysergic acid diethylamide J Nerv Ment Dis 1958
Smith CM Some Reflections on the Possible Therapeutic Effects of the Hallucinog... Quart.J.Stud.Alcohol... 1959
JO Cole Discussion of Papers on Psychopharmacologic Studies JS Gottlieb, G Tourn... 1959
Fremont-Smith F, Abramson... Introductory remarks The Use of LSD in Ps... 1960
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics J.Psychol. 1960
Maclean JR, Macdonald DC,... The Use of LSD-25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism and Other Psychiatric... Quart.J.Stud.Alcohol 1961
Savage C LSD, alcoholism and transcendence J. nerv. ment. Dis. 1962
O'Reilly PO, Funk A LSD in chronic alcoholism Canad. Psychiat. Ass... 1964
Smart RG, Storm T The efficacy of LSD in the treatment of alcoholism Quart. J. Stud. Alco... 1964
  Dangers of LSD Lancet 1967
Hoffer A A program for the treatment of alcoholism: LSD, malvaria and nicotinic... 2nd International Co... 1967
Osmond H, Albahary R, Che... Some problems in the use of LSD 25 in the treatment of alcoholism 2nd International Co... 1967
Abramson HA The use of LSD in psychotherapy and alcoholism. 2cn International Co... 1967
Smart RG, Storm T, Baker ... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the treatment of alcoholism. An in... Brookside monograph ... 1967
Costello CG An evaluation of aversion and LSD therapy in the treatment of alcoholi... Canad. Psychiat. Ass... 1969
Ludwig A, Levine J, Stark... A clinical study of LSD treatment in alcoholism (124th Annual Meeting ... Amer. J. Psychiat. 1969
Johnson FG LSD in the treatment of alcoholism Amer. J. Psychiat. 1969
Denson R, Sydiaha D A controlled study of LSD treatment in alcoholism and neurosis Brit. J. Psychiat. 1970
Bryce JC An evaluation of LSD in the treatment of chronic alcoholism Canad. Psychiat. Ass... 1970
Ludwig AM, Levine J, Star... LSD and alcoholism. A clinical study of treatment efficacy   1970
Abuzzahab FS, Anderson BJ A review of LSD treatment in alcoholism Int. Pharmacopsychia... 1971
Fossati C I Danni Provocati Dall'abuso di Bevande Alcooliche: Possibilita di Dis... Clin Ter 1974
Albaugh BJ, Anderson PO Peyote in the treatment of alcoholism among American Indians Am J Psychiatry 1974
Editorial FDA Lists Approved LSD Research Projects FDA Consumer 1975
Jantz L Probleme und Möglochkeiten ambulanter und stationäer Behandlune von Su... Therapiewoche 1976
Rhead JC, Soskin RA, Ture... Psychedelic Drug (DPT)-Assisted Psychotherapy with Alcoholics: A Contr... J of Psychedelic Dru... 1977
Richards WA Psychedelic Drug-Assisted Psychotherapy with Persons Suffering from Te... J Altered States Con... 1979
Grinspoon L LSD Reconsidered: Should clinical research be resumed? The Sciences 1981
Novak SJ LSD before Leary. Sidney Cohen's critique of 1950s psychedelic drug re... Isis 1997
Mangini M Treatment of alcoholism using psychedelic drugs: a review of the progr... J Psychoactive Drugs 1998
Batzer W, Ditzler T, Brow... LSD use and flashbacks in alcoholic patients J Addict Dis 1999
Nichols DE Hallucinogens Pharmacology & Thera... 2004
Dyck E 'Hitting Highs at Rock Bottom': LSD Treatment for Alcoholism, 1950-197... Social History of Me... 2006